I have been feeling cold recently, and persistently so. It took me some time to realise it was because I was on this detox diet. A consequence was digestive system was not being used so much: it takes very little to digest a cucumber and celery juice drink. And if that is all you are drinking all day then your stomach is not going to generate heat. So that natural hot-water bottle below your waist is staying cold and so it is possible if not likely you might feel cold also. My solution is to stay in a warm environment which has meant turning up my thermostat. Leaning on a handy radiator has been a more pleasant pastime than normal.
Also I have found my ears getting blocked with, I guess, wax to the point of being unable to hear normal conversation. I have put this down, in part, to the lack of using my jaws to chew food stuffs. It is amazing to think the fact of chewing food might help keep your ears clear, but that's the way it seems to me. Moving your jaw up and down also moves the bones and joints in your ear.
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