I slept well last night - and no meds. The night before I found I had to relax my legs into a posture of repose very carefully, whereas last night they settled under the quilt at whatever speed they wanted.
Every day I notice microscopic improvements, for instance today I notice that I can get up from a chair so easily, whereas before it might take me five minutes of rocking myself forward to be able to get to a point where my legs would take the strain. Bear in mind I am not talking about a sofa chair, rather a dining chair which should be easy-peasy because it it higher. This means the ligaments in my legs are working better, that I am more flexible and that I am getting my life back.
The significance of sleeping well is that I now know any pain from my chiropractic manipulating my spine has gone and replaced with health. Not just that, but improving health. That is my body is now more able to heal itself.
For the last few weeks I have had persistent inflammation and pain around my wrists which would begin to appear early in the morning before I might arise. Now that has largely gone. This means I can now use my wrists to help me get out of chairs.
Does this mean my journey is over? Not by a long way.
So looking forward to my next Chiropractic session. In the meantime I think I will get some sunshine & some Vitamin D.
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