Food And Arthritis

Add the RIGHT foods to your diet to REDUCE arthritic pain and inflammation.
Include the WRONG foods to your diet and INCREASE arthritic pain and inflammation.
My choice? A life-journey based on a low-oil whole-food plant based diet.
Whatever your current state of health, make yourself healthier - you deserve it. Start your plant based diet journey today.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Strengthening is a natural process

I have said to myself that I am now in a strengthening phase.  What does this mean?  Well yes it means i will concentrate on the wim hof method to help get in touch with my inner self.  Hopefully it also means I will start regular yoga sessions as well as my regular swims and walks. And this also includes booking a date for a return to long distance walking.

But they are, together or individually nothing without making full value of my body's natural ability to heal itself.  That's why I went to see a chiropractor.  That's why I am not testing any food and drink  unless I am very confident it will not cause me arthritic problems.

After I had my knees scanned under the MRI the pictures of my knees were very clear and detailed.  I was told I could have knee operations whenever it suited me, "I can arrange an appointment with the surgeon now if you wish, Mr Swarbrick." well thanks, but no thanks.

I have since found out that much of my decrepit body might just heal itself.  With a supportive regime there is just a chance that the cartilage in my knees might improve, as indeed may my gums and teeth.

So that's what I am really working on. Founded in a whole food plant based diet my true goal is to get this body super-healthy.  It is no longer good enough to simply overcome my arthritis but rather prepare my body for the next however many years for a happy and healthy life.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Walking the walk

It was just a walk. It was just a walk. It was just a walk.

It was just a walk around the gardens of Coughton Court near Alcester.  But I did it at normal walking pace.  Another first.  The first time in many months that I was able to walk with no pain, no ache at a decent speed.

That's not to say I walked fast.  But I felt I could have kept going and I did not tire.

It feels like nothing short of a miracle.

Many of my thanks go to my chiropractor, Elaine, whose business card says "Enabling the joy of movement."

Another day today.  I think I'll go for a walk - cheery-bye.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Eliminating capsicum peppers

I have suspected bell pepper to cause inflammation, since it is one of the nightshades.  However tests (until now) have seemed mixed.  For instance I had a soup and did not seem to suffer.  The jury now has placed its verdict clearly in the "never again" tray.

We had lunch at the home of some good friends and they tried their damnedest to ensure everything was to me diet.  So much so that I missed seeing some yellow pepper head inexorably towards my mouth.  Totally delicious.

However today my wrists are badly inflamed and painful.  I can even feel the blood pumping in my left wrist under the pressure of inflammation.  This is going to be with me for most of the day, I predict, as a problem and the take another couple of days to disappear altogether.

Hey-ho, I cannot bear anything touching my left wrist for now.  But it is worth this experience to know I have now eliminated such peppers from diet.

Another of the nightshade family bites the dust!

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Strength in GF beer

My third gluten-free beer, yummy!  We're at the Weighbridge canalside pub in Alvechurch.  They are definitely good for vegan and gluten-free with a range of options.  I went for Sunday roast - actually no roast)

I am definitely into my building "strength" phase. I swam for 20 minutes this morning and walking much better.  Also I have a feeling for the first time in several months of looking outward rather than that depressed inward feeling.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Pain and inflammation - gone

I slept well last night - and no meds.  The night before I found I had to relax my legs into a posture of repose very carefully, whereas last night they settled under the quilt at whatever speed they wanted.

Every day I notice microscopic improvements, for instance today I notice that I can get up from a chair so easily, whereas before it might take me five minutes of rocking myself forward to be able to get to a point where my legs would take the strain.  Bear in mind  I am not talking about a sofa chair, rather a dining chair which should be easy-peasy because it it higher.  This means the ligaments in my legs are working better, that I am more flexible and that I am getting my life back.

The significance of sleeping well is that I now know any pain from my chiropractic manipulating my spine has gone and replaced with health.  Not just that, but improving health.  That is my body is now more able to heal itself.

For the last few weeks I have had persistent inflammation and pain around my wrists which would begin to appear early in the morning before I might arise.  Now that has largely gone.  This means I can now use my wrists to help me get out of chairs.

Does this mean my journey is over?  Not by a long way.

So looking forward to my next Chiropractic session.  In the meantime I think I will get some sunshine & some Vitamin D.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

The temperature is going down and my back no longer hurts

I have been very stiff, and despite improving health the stiffness is still there.  So I took the decision to visit a local chiropractic.  Why did I choose Chiropractic instead of other disciplines?  Well I have begun to watch the videos of Dr Bergman, who is a Chiropractic.  His approach is that the body cannot heal itself properly unless the back is right, and conversely if the spine is right then the body is most excellent at healing itself.  Self-healing includes cartilage, synovial fluid, even joints.  Having felt my own body repair itself I know at least some of this is true.

I also know that some twenty years ago whilst in Germany a top specialist did some back manipulation on me, as a necessity, and solved problems that I never knew I had. Whether that was chiropractic skills or whatever I never knew, my German language skills were not that good, and my human biology knowledge was miserable.

Bear in mind that I have never had any identifiable back problems associated with arthritis, except for persistent stiffness, at least in the neck.  This is mostly manifest in a lack of ability to easily look behind me to the right when driving out of junctions.

Well I had my first session and I went away happy, feeling better and with more energy than I have for a long time.  However when I went to bed that night I had the most awful sleeplessness brought on my a total inability to find a comfortable position for my legs.  Time for the meds and a day of rest.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

A pizza delight

Whenever one thinks of dietary changes you have to look at the lifestyle in which you live.  It is all well and good drinking high-powered juices each day but no restaurant is going to want you and friends drinking your own juices on their premises.  Also the fun of eating out is exploring new tastes with friends.

Add into the mix my diet and it is not difficult to see that I haven't eaten out a lot.  In fact I have only had one pizza in the last six months, and that was a big mistake leaving me with more than a week and pain, inflammation and recovery.  On my diet a pizza represents a perfect storm.  Usually it is made with wheat dough and topped generously with both tomato paste and mozzarella cheese.  None of these are good for my diet, indeed all of them individually will cause me pain and inflammation for several days.

And so it was with trepidation that I ordered a take-away pizza from Pizza Express.  The one I chose was a Pianta.  I chose the Gluten-Free option and asked them to remove the tomato and artichokes.  I added in goats cheese and capers.  Bingo.  Twenty four hours later no arthritic reaction and happiness reigns.

A fabulous pizza and I felt like I belonged to humanity once more!

Friday, 8 July 2016

Annoyed with myself

Not sure quite what is going on, but I have tried to stay clear of any non-MTX drugs over the last days and nights.  Inflammation and pain have followed.  This shows to me the ineffectiveness of MTX, so that's one good outcome.

I suspect that I have had some free-from foods that have dairy in them.  For instance I double checked Mrs Crimbles bakewell tart.  Yummy, but contains eggs.

It's annoying because there are not a lot of treats for someone on my diet.  Now there are even less, and it shows I need to check and double check ingredients on the label.

At this time of year my wife, a teacher comes home with several boxes of chocolates given as presents by students to say thank you.  Previously I would have helped her devour them, but no more...

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Digestion, part 3: It's all about the enzymes

And so to my third blog post on digestion.  Hardly a week ago and I would have not had any substantial material to write here, rather what I had in my mind was a mystery.  Thankfully both for me and for you, dear reader, I am beginning to get an understanding.

When you read on a packet of something from the supermarket and its says so much Vitamin C or B or whatever what it will never tell you is about the enzymes.  That may be because in part packed food from supermarkets is notably low on enzymes.  Sadly fresh food, unless it is organic is also low on enzymes.  Sadly also any cooking destroys enzymes, especially that at higher temperatures and longer cooking times.  This blog post my be seen as a sales pitch for buying organic produce!  Actually it is more than that.  But let's start at the beginning, and what are enzymes and where are they found?

Monday, 4 July 2016

A cooling shower

Well, I am into my third day of the Wim Hof Method and I think it is going to become part of my armour of defence against arthritis.  It is quite amazing to think that with little or no training that I can comfortably hold my breath for over two minutes!  But of course that is not the point.  The point is to help provide some extra strength against the ravages of arthritis.  Right now see little evidence except for a feeling of calm throughout my body.  That in itself is a good thing for people with arthritis, of course.  Anything that can give relief from the aches and pains without drugs must be a good thing.  But, having started down this road, I am looking for more.

The videos I have watched (and some of them several times) talk about energising the body.  That would be a good thing.  They talk about increased focus, and again I look forward to that.  In chemical terms the breathing helps remove carbon dioxide and increase oxygen levels in the body.  I said I have watched related videos several times, I have done this to help get the process as right as possible.