Food And Arthritis

Add the RIGHT foods to your diet to REDUCE arthritic pain and inflammation.
Include the WRONG foods to your diet and INCREASE arthritic pain and inflammation.
My choice? A life-journey based on a low-oil whole-food plant based diet.
Whatever your current state of health, make yourself healthier - you deserve it. Start your plant based diet journey today.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Travelling with Arthritis

When I realised my diet affected my arthritis I decided that if I went anywhere I would need to pack specific food and cooking items to suit my diet and thus help avoid flares and pain and pain and flares.  This was based on experience of several months of going away some weekends and finding each weekend had extra flares that took several days to recover from.  One choice would be never to go away again: that wasn't my choice.

So I decided I needed to prepare.  Top on my list is my juicer with both a cucumber and (organic) celery, with these I know I can calm my system down should any flares happen.  This won't get rid of any inflammation but by some miracle my bodies pain will begin to ease.

Then I have some plastic post with basic grains, that is quinua, buckwheat, brown rice and amaranth. I can add a mixture of these to any dish to add richness and body.  Two add flavour I travel with Tamari Sauce and Vegan stock cubes.

Next on the list is fruit, at least a pot or two of fresh berries, especially cherries and blueberries.  If I have any sign of a flare then taking in some berries can begin to ease the pain. if not the inflammation.  Add to these a pack of pears & oranges.

Then onto snacks.  I am getting very fond of a slab of dark chocolate and some seaweed crisps.  I find a bite or so of choccy is as much as I need.  Seaweed crisps have many useful nutrients.

And then come my meds.  No trip away would be possible without making sure I have sufficient meds for all circumstances.

Last on the list is my ice-packs.  If I am flared up before travelling I will have my wife wrap one around each ankle before I get in the car.

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