Food And Arthritis

Add the RIGHT foods to your diet to REDUCE arthritic pain and inflammation.
Include the WRONG foods to your diet and INCREASE arthritic pain and inflammation.
My choice? A life-journey based on a low-oil whole-food plant based diet.
Whatever your current state of health, make yourself healthier - you deserve it. Start your plant based diet journey today.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Day Six: pain reduces further, time to try a can of baked beans

And yet another day rolls in and I am feeling good.  Not perfect, but relatively just a tiny bit better.  The remnants of pain and inflammation are less than yesterday, also I am feeling more flexible.  My flexibility test is getting shoes and socks on: how far and easily can I bend over.  Well flexibility is coming.

About two weeks ago I was on a regular stream of anti-inflammatory tablets, especially on bad days.  Now it has reduced over the last days to one or two per day.  Last night I stayed up late binging on the first series of Happy Valley (now streaming on Netflix).  Being late to bed is always a bad recipe for me.  Firstly sitting in front of the TV till late makes me incredibly stiff and that lateness can make for a bad night's sleep.  And so without messing about I get some NSAIDs inside me, and to bed.

And as I say above my night's sleep wasn't too bad and I am feeling good.

Whenever I feel good it is time to try some foodstuff that is on my risky "todo" list.  Today I have elected for a can of baked beans, which is an inflammatory risk because of the tomatoes.  Beans on toast.  I have added a generous dollop of my turmeric paste, some chilli, and some dairy-free cream for added interest.

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