So, from now on, I am not sick. I may not be fully healthy, but I am not sick. That's not just me asserting some dreamed up alternative truth. Quite often recently friends and family have told me how healthy I look. So what changes have come upon me?
- I am walking much better
- Not quite running yet, possibly more hobbling short distances
- My daily yoga has helped enormously with flexibility. I did not know how bad my body had become!
- Bowel movements have made solid improvements. I can go into details...
- Brain is functioning. For anyone who has not experienced "brain fog", let me just say you don't want to. Hidden from view it is crippling.
In summary I am beginning to feel like I am re-entering humanity. There are no easy guarantees of course. I know that RA can come back and bite hard. But there are differences now.
Now I have tools to aid fast and effective recovery. My diet has turmeric in it every day. If I ever feel RA has bitten me then I overdose on turmeric at each and every meal and every drink possible. My diet anyway keeps me on the road to better health. And so does my yoga. And I have a goal...
My goal is to become more healthy each and every day. That's not just some blithe statement but rather a practical outcome of my whole-food plant-based diet, exercise regime, and outlook on life.
I feel sorry for people, we all know them, who say "I'm getting old" and "you'll have to make allowances for me." Well that's them, and I am sorry for each and every one of them - and their families who have to put up with a poor second best & foreshortened lives.
That may be their attitude, it's not one I share. And unless I get knocked over by a bus etc, nor will I share it in forty years time when I am still enjoying an active and healthy life even though I will be over a 100 years old.
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