Food And Arthritis

Add the RIGHT foods to your diet to REDUCE arthritic pain and inflammation.
Include the WRONG foods to your diet and INCREASE arthritic pain and inflammation.
My choice? A life-journey based on a low-oil whole-food plant based diet.
Whatever your current state of health, make yourself healthier - you deserve it. Start your plant based diet journey today.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Another milestone of recovery

I walked over ten miles yesterday.  It was supposed to be less than seven but a wrong turning out two...  Nevertheless with aching feet I ended my walk very very pleased with myself. This feels like I really have beaten my rheumatoid arthritis into submission.

Now I have energy and flexibility the future is a life of more milestones because the moment I stop is the moment RA is likely to come back, and I won't let that happen.